Centre perspective

Start of academic year

Check for re-sits from previous year and order papers.

Beginning of November

Make a list of all GCSE and A level students, the exams they will sit, exam board and tier. Check for any special papers (maths, mechanics, further maths etc).

Beginning of December

Confirm preferred access arrangements with pupils.

By 31st January (deadline date)

Order exam papers via the school exams officer making sure that they are ordered in the correct format. Some paper formats have to be ordered on FORM 7 available from the JCQ website. Keep copies of the list of papers ordered.

Beginning of February

Make other requests for special arrangements - extra time, early opening (explain the reason why), Language Modifiers, BSL interpreters, readers and scribes. For extra time over 25% you must give reasons and wait for the official response. Request time allowance for rest breaks. Special arrangements last for each pupil for 2 years.

Beginning of March

Discuss rooming arrangement with pupils. Consider lighting and distractions. Pass this information to exams officers. Ensure provision of separate rooms and invigilators for LMs, reading aloud, readers, BSL interpreters etc.

Make arrangements for IT including IPads, laptops, calculators etc. Arrange for them to be in exam mode and save periodic table, formulae booklet and data booklets.

Prepare a list of expected papers to be shared with the exams office and have a marking in system. Follow up any papers which have not arrived a few days in advance of the exam.

Make a preparation and invigilation timetable with roles and responsibilities for delivering papers and equipment.

Beginning of May

Prepare an exam box with necessary equipment for each student as necessary (answer booklets to meet access requirements, bumpons, wikki sticks, calculator etc.)

The day before each exam

Charge all ICT equipment where necessary.

On the morning of each exam

Keep the room where the papers are being adapted secure and deliver papers on time. Explain processes to invigilators.