Learning media assessment

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Interpreting Form 4: Early literacy acquisition sensory skills checklist

Young children bring their own experiences and background knowledge to the task of learning to read and write. It can be very helpful for a child's educational team to understand the experiences that the child has had prior to the time that an initial decision is being made about learning media.

Form 4: Early Literacy Acquisition Sensory Skills Checklist is designed to support educational teams as they discuss the child's previous use of sensory information in a literacy context.

Because of the importance of examining how a child's experiences have supported development of all senses, Form 4 is divided into sections on visual skills, tactile skills and auditory skills. Each section contains specific behaviours that a child may demonstrate if sufficient opportunities have been available to support the child's devlopment of the necessary skills.

The responses for this form are "Yes", "No", "No opportunity" and N/A meaning that they child does not have access to the sense in question.

Factors to consider

The following issues are important to consider when working through this form:


You may also wish to refer to the guidance to completing Form 4.

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