Here you will find some taster materials to give you a flavour of the resources you will have access to as a member of VIEW.
VIEW Briefings – DfE official data on children and young people with vision impairment
The information in these VIEW briefings is derived from DfE published tables of statistics. Most of the official SEN data that is published by DfE relates only to a pupil’s primary (or main) special educational need (SEN). However, some additional tables have been published that give a breakdown by primary and secondary SEN type.
- Briefing 1: Children and young people whose primary or secondary SEN was vision impairment (Word, 37KB
- Briefing 2: Characteristics of children and young people whose primary SEN was vision impairment (Word, 51KB)
- Briefing 3: Children and young people whose primary SEN was vision impairment – key stage 4 attainment 2016/17 (Word, 74KB)
UK Learning Media Assessment Resource
The UK Learning Media Assessment (UKLMA) resource, hosted by VIEW, is designed to help QTVIs and the team around the child to make informed, transparent and data-driven decisions about the learning and literacy media that will maximise individual children’s educational attainment.
You can access a taster of this resource by visiting: and logging in as a guest.
To access the full version please sign up for membership of VIEW
The VIEW/RNIB Caseload Management Tool (CMT)
This tool is designed to be used by Vision Impairment Support Service managers to track data, including numbers and levels of need of children on service caseload so that information is easily accessed, aiding transparency and giving clear evidence of teacher/pupil ratios.