Braille past paper lending library – privacy notice

This notice informs you about how we handle personal information in our Braille past paper lending library (please note this service will not be live until September/October 2024)

Information Collection: We collect names, addresses, and contact details of borrowers through the dedicated online form.

Information Use: Your information is used to:

  • Manage paper loans and returns
  • Facilitate paper transfers between borrowers

Information Sharing: 

  • We share your name and address with the current borrower to enable direct paper transfers ie) so they can send the paper onto you.

Information Storage:

  • We will store your address to enable paper transfers

Your Responsibilities: As a borrower, you agree to:

  • Keep other borrowers’ information confidential
  • Use it solely for sending the paper to the next borrower and not to communicate about anything else
  • Destroy the information after sending the paper

Data Protection:

We implement security measures to protect your information.
Your Rights: You have the right to ask us for access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal information.
Consent: By using our service, you consent to these terms above.

For more information or questions, contact: