Stars in our eyes – Team Harry

Meet Harry. Harry is 10 years old and in his last year of Primary School. Harry lost most of his vision in one eye due to retinoblastoma when he was a baby. His vision in the other eye is 1.02 Logmar. He reads N36 as well as being a Braille user. Early on in Primary school it became apparent that Harry struggled reading enlarged books. He didn’t enjoy them as there was so little on one page. Once he had learnt the whole alphabet he started to read small Braille books and the joy of reading returned. He has now finished the Grade 2 course and reads books by David Walliams and Roald Dahl.

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Technology and Products archive

Due to the rapidly-evolving nature of technology, some resources are now a little dated. However, recognising that they may contain information that is still useful, we’ve retained them in an archive. Please email to suggest any updates. Photo by Emily Wade – unsplash.

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