SATs papers – electronic copies for modification

If your school or service will be producing a bespoke modified paper for a pupil for their KS2 SATs, you may wish to order an electronic version as a starting point.

You should have already:

  • Ordered a modified paper in the usual way (via the PAG) as you will need a hard copy for reference and any models that might be provided with it.
  • Applied for early opening to carry out the modification.

The Modified Testing Agency are now ready to receive orders for electronic copies of the 2025 Key Stage 2 MLP SATs papers. Electronic versions will be available in Microsoft Word format in the following sizes:

  • A4 18pt
  • A4 24pt
  • A3 36pt
  • A3 48pt (landscape)

Guidance for adaptations will be available with the electronic versions.

Please note these electronic versions of the papers have not been through the usual rigorous modification and proof-reading processes as they are not intended to be given directly to students. They are intended as a starting point to make it easier to adapt further where this is necessary.

To place an order of an electronic copy of the 2025 modified large print papers in one of these formats, please contact the modified test agency on either:

  • MTA helpline: 01633 741611

The order line will be open until Friday 7th March. You will need the following information to hand:

  • School Name
  • Dfe no.
  • Named contact
  • Named contact email
  • Phone no.
  • Which format you require

The provision of electronic versions of the MLP papers is a pilot this year to work out the logistics around delivery so please do not order electronic versions if you don’t need them.

If the pilot is successful, STA plan to make electronic versions of the papers available every year.

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