Two books for supporting children with Nystagmus

Written by Nadine Neckles, these books provide insights for parents and professionals.

Can I tell You About Nystagmus?

In the book ‘Can I tell You About Nystagmus?’ Amber explains all about her ‘dancing eyes,’ or Nystagmus and how children with Nystagmus might need to read, learn or play differently, and what their families, school and friends can do to help. She invites readers to learn the causes and symptoms, to help others understand the condition and help increase the self-esteem and confidence of those who have it.

The book is for children, parents, carers and professionals looking after children with Nystagmus, it highlights the symptoms of the condition and practically illustrates a number of strategies to help a child with Nystagmus. It is an enjoyable, easy and upbeat read given the complexities of the subject.

 It includes a practical checklist of easy adaptations to make school or home environments easier and more enjoyable for children with nystagmus, as well as a helpful list of recommended resources for additional support.

Available direct from the publishers:

Journal for Nystagmus Parents 

A unique journal specifically for (Mothers) Fathers of children who have Nystagmus. 

Keep safe the precious memories, learnings and growth you all experience on this incredible journey. 

This journal creates a space to share with your child, what you see in them, their strengths, uniqueness and the things that makes them special. 

In this guided journal you reflect on the past, marvel at the magic of becoming a parent and journey through to where you are today.

Separated into sections so you can decide where you would like to focus. 

◦ Look back and reflect. Marvel at the memories, hurdles and the triumphs that were overcame to bring you to where you are today. 

◦ A ‘Check in’ with the here and now. Get in touch with what you are thinking and feeling in the present. Carve out a little space for you and create a little time for self care.

◦ Explore and reveal your hopes and dreams for your child’s future.

The book is available to order from Nystagmus Network