Where permission has been granted to do so, VIEW 2025 conference materials will be made available here in PDF format.
We will email presentations in PowerPoint format (PPT) to our delegates with access requirements.
Keynote materials
Each handout below is a PDF version of the materials prepared as PowerPoint presentations for VIEW 2025. They can be printed beforehand or accessed electronically during the conference.
- The emotional wellbeing of children and young people with vision impairment: perspectives from clinical practice and research. Dr Ian McCubbin, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- The QTVI as practitioner-researcher: importance, ideas and impact (a panel discussion). Anna Pilson, Lecturer in Vision Impairment Education, University of Birmingham and MQ Alumni.
- The importance of play and social interaction to nurture self-regulation and autonomy in Children and Young People with vision impairment Dr Joao Roe, QTVI and Head of Sensory Support Service, Bristol.
- Working collaboratively to ensure the VI child with complex needs can best meet their educational outcomes within the mainstream nursery environment. Michelle Jones, Head of Sensory Support, Seashell.
- My career in social science. Liz Clery.
Available after the conference
- Teaching Positive Self-advocacy Skills – Where do I start? Sarah Hughes, QTVI and Head of Vision Impairment Education, and Lisa Reynolds, QTVI, SenCom (SE Wales), Andrea Davies, Specialist Education Officer, Guide Dogs (will be available after the conference).
- Celebrating the CFVI. Caireen Sutherland, Programme Lead and Senior Lecturer MQ MSI, Seashell.
Workshop locations
Workshop materials
Each handout is a condensed version of the materials prepared as PowerPoint presentations for workshops at VIEW 2025.
- LOOK UK – Engaging with Families. Charlotte Milburn, Mentor Project Officer, LOOK UK and Rosaleen Dempsey, Deputy Lead, Education and Children’s Service, RNIB
- Teaching SSI students to use cursor and heading navigation skills effectively when using a screen reader in Microsoft Word. Rupert Ephithite, QTVI, Virtual School Sensory Support, Norfolk County Council
- Struggling Readers – Strategies and Resources. Jean Weiss, Vision Impairment Team Lead, Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service
- PE and access for severe VI. Simon Kerrigan, QTVI, RNIB.
- Making Science Accessible Judith Boal, QTVI, Jordanstown School and Will Stark, Assistant Principal: Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, New College Worcester
- Morning slot: Nystagmus-friendly learning materials for Key Stage 1. Sue Ricketts, Executive Information and Development Manager, Nystagmus Network Afternoon slot: Heads of VI Services discussion forum. Facilitated by: Joanne Appleton, Coventry City, and Mel Boxall, Worcestershire County Council.
- Beyond the Eyes: Cortical / Cerebral Vision Impairment. Sarah Hovington, QTVI, Telford and Wrekin
Additional Resources Discussed and Referenced at VIEW 2025
Published here following the event…