- Access to computing – Strategies To Increase Accessibility
- Access to computing curriculum – initial considerations
- Access to the computing curriculum – CPD Resources
- Accessible Methods of Delivering Key Themes in Computing
- Accessing Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
- Braille past paper lending library
- Braille past paper lending library – privacy notice
- Cookie policy
- Covid 19
- Curriculum Framework for Children and Young people with Vision Impairment (CFVI): One Year on
- Eamonn Fetton
- Events
- Examination access
- Exhibitor List – VIEW 2025
- Jobs
- Login
- Member ads
- Member resources
- Get involved
- Knowledge and resources
- Braille
- Complex needs
- Heads of Service/VI team resources
- Legislative and educational framework
- Partnership working
- Professional issues
- Social, Emotional & Mental Health
- Supporting transition and transfer
- Teaching and learning
- Accessibility features on Windows computers
- Braille technology
- Curriculum resources by subject
- Documents, articles and media
- General assistive technology resources
- iPads
- Matching technology solutions to individuals
- Object and text recognition technology
- Planning materials
- Screen-mirroring
- Smart speakers
- Tactile Graphics and Diagrams
- Technology – teaching and learning resources
- Video Resources
- Video resources: methods used at New College Worcester
- Vision and vision impairment
- News, research & policy
- Committee documents
- Policy
- Research
- Department for Education – research and statistics
- Diagnosis, referral and early support
- Education research – Call for Participants
- General children and young people VI research
- General SEN research and statistics
- Local authority VI education
- Post-school transitions, FE, HE and employment
- Summaries of key research and statistics
- VI education and exams
- Vision impairment and education – research
- VIEW Publications
- Your stories
- Professional development
- Random
- My account
- Our Ambassador – Amar Latif
- Our Sponsors
- Posts
- Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- Supporting pupils with vision impairment to access the computing curriculum
- Test Page
- Thank you
- Thank you
- The Journal of the VI Education Workforce
- The professional association for the vision impairment education workforce
- Training
- “Understanding vision impairment in children and young people” online course
- Braille literacy – short focused online training courses
- CANCELLED – VIEW and NCW Curriculum Event
- Online course “Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people”
- Partners in Learning – Advanced Certificate for education support staff
- The “Effective Teaching of Literacy Through Braille” online training course – January 2025.
- Use of site
- VIEW 2023
- VIEW 2023 – Joining information
- VIEW 2024 – conference materials
- VIEW 2025 – Delegate information
- VIEW 2025 – conference materials
- VIEW Annual General Meeting 2025
- Working in the VI education workforce
- Workshops: VIEW 2024
- Your education questions answered
Posts by category
- Category: Braille
- Category: Campaigns
- Key issues for VI education in England
- Still left out of learning
- Impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services Inquiry
- Left out of learning
- OFSTED Education Inspection Framework 2019
- VIEW Response to SEN and disabilities inquiry
- RNIB CYP Campaign
- Scotland’s shortage of specialist teachers
- SEND: experiences with schools and colleges
- Specifications on reasonable adjustments – RNIB/VIEW consultation response
- ‘The Case for Play’ – disabled children missing out on vital play opportunities
- Category: Careers, education and training
- First impressions as a TVI
- Our sponsor – Positive Eye
- Life after college
- Mandatory training Q&A
- Vision impairment education workforce
- VIEW 2017 Conference materials
- Becoming a QTVI – Anna’s story
- A week in the working life of Head of an Education Service for Children and Young People with a sensory impairment.
- Category: Complex needs
- Resonance Boards
- A Calm Space
- Cerebral vision impairment
- SeeAbility: work and project findings
- Base SRE Curriculum that applies to all young people and adults on the SLD and PMLD spectrums
- Vision and children with Down’s Syndrome
- Nystagmus and children with Down’s Syndrome
- Questions to ask about a learner’s vision
- A quick overview of functional vision
- Multisensory Assessment
- Profiling Functional Vision
- Creative art activities for children with complex needs
- The use of colour tents
- Creativity at The Victoria School
- Teaching dramatic subjects to children with VI
- Creative writing using objects
- Body signing
- Assessment and extension of sensory skills
- Category: Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI)
- Getting Started with the CFVI
- New CFVI Specialist Resources
- VIEW joins call to #UnlockEducation for children with vision impairment
- CFVI Parent and Carer Guide
- CFVI Policy Statements
- CFVI – update from the project team
- Have fun improving listening skills with Alexa!
- Focus on CFVI – online resource
- CFVI Live Q & A Session
- VIEW 2022 – research roundup
- Launch of new Curriculum Framework
- Category: Heads of Service
- VIEW & BATOD offer for HoSS
- VIEW’s Frequently Asked Questions
- Learning media assessment resource
- VI education provision Local Offers in England: updated 2019
- SEN reforms failing young people and parents
- Keeping up with education research
- The difference we make
- Children & young people with VI
- RNIB’s guide to commissioning
- VISION 2020 Pathway for Children
- Vision Impairment Services
- New home for online courses
- VIEW/RNIB Caseload Management Tool (CMT)
- Vision Friendly Schools
- Category: Health and wellbeing
- Mary Kitzinger online workshop: siblings
- RNIB podcasts: emotional support for children with VI
- Sleep and children/young people with vision impairment – implications for education
- Resources for CYPFVI
- The Educational Psychologist and CYPVI
- This is me
- E-Mentoring Project for Young VI people – Look UK
- Young person’s guide to SEND disagreement resolution
- Mental health
- Nystagmus Family Foundation
- Mary Kitzinger Trust conference
- Category: Medical
- Category: Membership
- Category: MSI
- Category: News
- November/December Peek a’ VIEW newsletter
- Using Hover Text
- Meeting of Greater London QTVIs
- Improving Representation of People with Vision Impairment
- VIEW Teach – 2024
- Accessible calculator options for pupils
- Personalising visual settings
- I haven’t started to use AT with my learners yet. Where do I begin?
- Year 6-7 Transition book
- “Children with Vision Impairment” Book
- Books and Resources on Vision Impairment for Children
- Uncovering screen-reader myths
- How to make an ePub in a hurry
- University – students with vision impairment
- Immersive Reader’s inclusive features
- VIEW Conference 2024: research round up
- In search of a Quest
- Mixing up the Magic of Representation on Children’s TV
- Freedom of Information reports
- Spotlight on key VIEW materials and training
- Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia & Coloboma Support (MACS)
- Distance Visual Acuity Testing
- Assistive technology assessments
- Begin your journey with 3D printing!
- DfE official data – children and young people with VI – England (archive)
- ‘Beyond the child with VI: Needs of parents and how we can support them’
- New – Latest briefings – November 2023
- VIEW Autumn Technology Update 2023
- VIEW and University of Birmingham Award
- What we know about education
- Your education questions answered
- Catch up with Sue from the Nystagmus Network
- VIEW 2023 conference
- VICTA launches the ‘Early Years Sensory Discovery Pack’
- VIEW Tech Surgery
- Portable USB-C Computer Screen
- Assistive technology – where can I get help?
- Stars in our eyes – Jack
- Read our response to the SEND review
- Introducing our new sponsor – Optelec Ltd
- Assessing Near Vision – Maclure in the 21st Century
- Peer to Peer Support
- British Blind Sport Have A Go Days
- Resource focus: The Periodic table
- The importance of practicals for A Level Scientists with a VI
- SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper (England)
- Raising awareness of vision impairment
- Specialist Support during Covid Times
- Screen-mirroring – I want to know more
- COVID-19 Project
- I’ve heard about a device called an Orcam.
- Orbit Reader – I’d like to know more
- Stars in our eyes – Team Harry
- VIEW statement – the key issues for VI education in England – where are we now?
- Mary Kitzinger Trust workshop – VIEW briefing
- Stars in our eyes – Team Sienna
- Tracking progress – the specialist VI curriculum
- VIEW member eNewsletter
- Useful resources round up – July 2021
- Coronavirus: Meeting the needs of children with VI
- Social, Emotional & Mental Health – children and young people with vision impairment
- COVID 19 – information to support families
- Podcast: Exams during Covid-19
- Key facts about vision impairment in children and young people
- VIEW Professional development event 2021
- 2020 RNIB FOI report published
- Two books for supporting children with Nystagmus
- Covid 19 – education professionals
- VIEW statement on vaccinations (Covid 19)
- RNIB’s spring Shape and Share events
- Professionals webinar
- Braille innovations
- Considerations for students with VI returning to school
- New guidance launched for HE providers
- Safe return to school premises – VIEW/RNIB information hub
- Open letter to the VI Education Sector
- COVID 19 VIEW survey of VI education workforce
- Update on DfE advice for peripatetic teachers
- Paths to Literacy and Positive Eye
- VIEW 2020
- Keynote presentations
- Longitudinal Transition Study for young people with a vision impairment
- Positive Eye
- World Mental Health Day
- Specialist colleges
- Education and SEND: policy update
- DfE announcements – funding for schools and colleges
- Amar Latif inspires the new generation
- Nystagmus Awareness Day
- VIEW Teach
- LEGO® Braille Bricks
- VIEW survey of the VI education workforce 2018 Final report
- Specialist VI Curriculum
- First Steps – British Blind Sport
- VIEW 2019 – Conference presentations
- Early intervention can improve outcomes
- Evidence based practice in education
- Our Right to Study
- Disabled Students Allowance
- Transitions research (Vision Impairment)
- CVI definitions paper
- All Party Parliamentary Group
- Research in mental health
- Reaching out to the younger generation
- Discount for VIEW members
- Local authority education provision for CYP with VI
- New research – Effect of eye conditions
- Assistive technology inquiry
- Resource for HE professionals
- Developmental Journal
- New research into parenting stress
- Seeing AI app – review
- Latest transitions research
- Preparing young people for adult life
- Post 16 transition
- 35 years in the VI education sector
- In Touch – education of VI children
- The SEN in Secondary Education study
- Your views sought
- Online course: VI and complex needs in children & young people
- “Our Eye” by students at RNIB College Loughborough
- NatSIP Sensory Learning Hub
- A vision of Britain revisited
- VISION 2020 Starting Point
- Voice of the child: agreeing outcomes for children with vision impairment film
- Learner outcomes: a CYP focused toolkit for involving children and young people with VI in deciding the outcomes that are important to them
- Category: VIEW Publications
- Category: Our workforce
- Category: Parents & carers
- Category: Partnership working
- Category: Policy
- Category: Post 16
- Category: Professional development
- Category: Progressive vision loss,
- Category: Research
- The emotional wellbeing of children and young people with vision impairment
- Trends in the long-term impact of childhood VI on health and social outcomes in the UK
- Implementation of the ECC in Australian mainstream secondary schools: Vision Australia Certificates in Access Technology
- How early movement develops
- Functional Vision Questionnaire and Vision Related Quality of Life Questionnaire
- RNIB Longitudinal study of transitions experiences of blind and partially sighted young people
- Category: Social, Sports, Leisure
- Category: Teaching and learning resources
- How to use Zoom in Accessibility
- Windows keyboard shortcuts
- Reading on echo devices – Jack’s demo
- First Steps Success!
- First Steps Programme
- Touch typing – apps, software, and resources
- The Prince’s Trust e-Digital Competence Certificates (eDCC)
- Teaching VI swimmers resource
- Behaviour management strategies for children with vision impairment
- Making the Most of iPads
- Hello Kitty’s tea party – literacy and numeracy development
- Addition machine
- Sensory Curriculum planning ideas
- Top Access Tips
- Cerebral Visual Impairment – blogs and websites
- Visual difficulties due to brain damage
- Articles in the press
- SATs – Practical Hints & Tips
- ICT Help
- Low cost ideas
- Advice for Nurseries
- Tactile diagrams, teaching maths using braille, and UEB
- Category: Accessible formats
- Braille teaching and learning
- Modifying Young Children’s Picture Books
- Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments
- Fonts – pupils with vision impairment
- 3D printing for supporting children with VI
- Tactile Graphics tools
- Teaching Braille – shared practice
- Teaching braille to children in schools
- Access2Books
- Customeyes books – featured resource
- Tactile graphs and diagrams
- Read Naturally materials – review by VIEW member
- Modifying and producing curriculum materials
- Braille teaching – what works, and what’s the evidence?
- Braille Readiness Grid
- Tactile Resources
- Accessible computer science and braille access to iphones and ipads
- Fantastic Fingers, Hitchhiker’s Guide to UEB Maths and other new initiatives
- Category: Examinations
- SATs papers – electronic copies for modification
- VIEW response to DfE’s Curriculum and Assessment Review
- Tech in exams – vision impairment
- Ensuring equal access to public examinations
- Cancellation of exams
- Assistive Technology in Exams
- Schools that work for some but not others?
- Exams – making it all happen
- Category: Modification of resources
- Category: National Curriculum Subjects
- Category: Technology and products
- VIEW and Dolphin technology webinars
- Media resources
- Apps for children with vision impairment
- Coding in the early years
- Technology and Products archive
- Touchtyping programmes
- Optical Character Recognition software
- Bookshare and Kindle Instructions
- Classroom Whiteboard Mirroring/Conference software
- Dolphin SuperNova
- Category: Transition and transfer
- Category: UK Specialist VI Curriculum Framework
- Category: VIEW conference
- Category: Vision and vision impairment
- Category: Young People
- Category: Your stories
- Copthorne Hotel
- B16 9RY
- Eston Leisure Centre
- West View Leisure Centre
- The Assembly Rooms
- University Of York
- Netherton Leisure Centre, Liverpool
- Google Academy
- Microsoft Reactor, London
- QE2 Jubilee School training & Outreach
- RNIB Judd Street
- RNIB Judd Street
- Liverpool University
- Future Inns
- Hallmark Hotel
- Hallmark Hotel
- QE2 Jubilee Training & Outreach Centre
- Kents Hill Conference Centre
- QE2 Jubillee School
- Pollock Halls Conference Centre in Edinburgh
- Marriott Hotel
- Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham
- New College Worcester
- Manchester Conference centre
- WESC Foundation
- Access & Inclusion Centre, Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee School
- Westminster Training & Outreach
- Hallmark Hotel - Birmingham Strathallan
- Mary Hare
- RNIB College
- Friends Hosue
- Future Inns
- The Conservatoire
- Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
- UCL Institute of Child Health
- 33 Lecture Theatre
- New College Worcester
- New College Worcester
- Special Needs Teaching Service
- Action for Blind People
- RNIB Judd Street
- Hallmark Hotel - Birmingham Strathallan
- The Hayes Conference Centre
- ChildVision
- Under1roof
- RNIB College Loughborough
- Walthew House
- Cedar Court Hotel
- Barton Dock Road
- Business Design Centre
- Bristol Zoo Gardens
- Braille network (2) – supporting the development of braille literacy – part of Braille 200
- Supporting children with VI and complex needs (3) - RNIB online session (4pm-5.30pm)
- Wellbeing
- Producing accessible resources
- Making practical lessons inclusive
- Supporting children with VI and complex needs (2) RNIB Online Session (4-5.30pm)
- Braille network (1) – part of Braille 200 - RNIB Online Training
- VIEW Conference 2025
- Accessibility for the digital classroom 1 (VIEW Technology Update webinar with our friends at Dolphin)
- Making music resources accessible for large print users (VIEW Autumn Technology Update 2024 webinar)
- RNIB Training: Technology: iPads in the mainstream classroom for low vision learners
- Supporting children and young people with retinitis pigmentosa
- Supporting children with VI and complex needs (1)
- Exam update – 14+ assessments
- Exam update – SATs and 11+
- Partners in Learning – Advanced Certificate for education support staff
- Sport special - RNIB online event
- Supporting children with VI and complex needs - RNIB Online Event
- Modification – Making the most of Microsoft - RNIB Online event
- Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment - online RNIB/VIEW event
- Science practicals – promoting participation - RNIB Online event
- Cerebral Vision Impairment - RNIB Online Event
- The “Effective Teaching of Literacy Through Braille” - VIEW online training course
- The “Effective Teaching of Literacy Through Braille” - VIEW online training course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Complex needs and vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- Understanding vision impairment in children and young people: VIEW online course
- VIEW/Braillists Foundation online event - Multi-Line Braille in the Classroom
- RNIB - Supporting learners with Albinism
- RNIB - Technology – iPads in VI Education
- Braille Network - Basics of the Music and Science Braille codes
- Middlesborough 'Have a Go' Day (Junior)
- British Blind Sport - Preston 'Have a Go' Day (Junior)
- RNIB - Supporting children with VI and complex needs - ‘Practical ideas for supporting home visits’
- Event: A Celebration of Vision Impairment Education - Friday 16th June 2-4pm.
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- VIEW/RNIB: Prepare for Success: Online Training for Exam Modification and Production (MLP & Braille Editions now available)
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- RNIB: Supporting children with VI and complex needs (3) ‘Exploring a tactile world’
- RNIB: QTVI Peer to peer support
- RNIB: Practical approaches to transition
- RNIB: Supporting learners with CVI
- RNIB: Everyday reformatting – hands on session (Pilot Session)
- RNIB: Braille network
- RNIB Supporting children with VI and complex needs (2) ‘Intensive interactions using resonance boards’
- RNIB: Practical Ideas for new TAs
- RNIB The eye clinic experience – eye care professionals and their roles explained
- RNIB Exams update day
- Supporting children with VI and complex needs (1) The importance of play and early intervention
- York Have a Go Family Day
- Liverpool Have a Go Family Day
- VIEW Conference 2023
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Peer to Peer Support - Practical conversations (VIEW/RNIB)
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- VIEW Conference 2022
- Launch of the new Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI)
- RNIB Training: Practical preparations: managing a new caseload
- RNIB Training: Supporting children with VI and complex needs 3: Resonance boards
- RNIB Training: Supporting Learners with CVI
- RNIB Training: Stargardt’s Disease and Usher Syndrome.
- RNIB's virtual event 'Supporting Children with VI and Complex Needs 2: Creating a Tactile World'.
- RNIB's Braille Network event
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- VIEW member webinar: How are VI pupils using iPads?
- VIEW member webinar: Assistive Technology Assessments: how are QTVIs deciding what AT is suitable for individuals?
- BATOD CPD Webinar Series - ‘Early Intervention’
- BATOD CPD Webinar Series - ‘Audiology and Technology’
- BATOD CPD Webinar Series - ‘Teaching and learning’
- BATOD CPD Webinar Series - ‘Communication and language’
- BATOD CPD Webinar Series - ‘Specialist intervention’
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Partners in Learning - Advanced Certificate for vision impairment education support staff
- VIEW/NatSIP: The effective teaching of literacy through braille - delivered online over 6 months
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding vision impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- VIEW Professional Development Event 2021
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Childhood Eye Conditions - Presented by Dr Andrew Blaikie
- ICEB Conference
- Code Jumper UK Launch
- RNC Open Day
- Mental health and the visually impaired child
- RNIB Exam Update Day
- RNIB Exam Update Day
- Learning more about cerebral visual impairment (CVI) – for non-ophthalmic professionals
- CVI Society Convention 2019
- Online braille literacy teaching course - the effective teaching of literacy through braille
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- VIEW Conference 2020
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Retina UK Professionals Conference
- Partners in Learning - Advanced Certificate for education support staff
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- VIEW Conference 2019
- Exam update on test and exam arrangements for pupils with VI
- RNC Open Day
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- Course: VI, CVI and The Complex Needs Pupil
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- International Symposium on Physical Activity and Individuals with Visual Impairments or Deafblindness
- The effective teaching of literacy through braille certificate - online course (with one face to face training day) -
- Online course “Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people”
- Online course “Understanding vision impairment in children and young people”
- CVI Society Convention 2018
- Nystagmus Awareness Day
- Nystagmus Network Open Day
- CANCELLED - JULY VIEW and NCW Curriculum Event
- Online course “Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people”
- Online course “Understanding vision impairment in children and young people”
- Applying to University course for VI students
- GCSE Easter Revision Course for VI Students
- The Seashell Trust “Listen to Me” MSI Conference 2018
- CANCELLED VIEW/NCW Curriculum Event
- WESC Foundation Annual Conference
- Understanding & Managing the Child with CVI
- RNIB/VIEW update day on test and exam access arrangements
- Psychological wellbeing and mental health of children and young people with visual impairment and their families: Needs, research and intervention
- VIEW Conference
- BTec Level 3 for Teaching Assistants working with Children with a vision impairment.
- New online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- RNIB College Open Day
- Albinism Fellowship's 2017 adult & family weekend conference - Look on the Bright Side!
- Online braille literacy teaching course - the effective teaching of literacy through braille
- CVI Society Convention
- New online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- New online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Sensory Processing Workshop 1 - An Introduction to Sensory Processing Difficulties (SPD)
- UK Vision Strategy: Vision UK 2017 conference - Shaping futures
- Needs and support for families of children with visual impairment
- Online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- Two day course: Assessment and Management of Infants and Young Children with Severe Visual Impairment
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- Introduction to teaching braille
- Supporting Primary School Students
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- Fight or flight to comfy and calm - Helping children with complex needs and VI to manage support and interventions from teachers and therapists.
- Fight or flight to comfy and calm - Helping children with complex needs and VI to manage support and interventions from teachers and therapists.
- Online course: Understanding visual impairment in children and young people (for professionals and parents)
- RNIB/VIEW Braille Network day
- RNIB/VIEW Braille Network day
- New online course: Vision impairment and complex needs in children and young people
- VIEW Conference
- Online course - Understanding visual impairment in children and young people
- Family Weekend Conference 2017 - Albinism Fellowship
- Ireland Albinism Conference 2016 - Albinism Fellowship UK
- Under-Fives event, South East London - Albinism Fellowship
- RNIB College Loughborough Family Open Day
- A short one day introduction to working with children with VI
- Cerebral Visual Impairment Society Annual Convention
- Kidz to Adultz up north
- TES Special Education Needs Show
- ROMFORD, ESSEX - QTVI - Specialist Support Professional - Visually Impaired
- Qualified Teacher, Visually Impaired: Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council
- Teacher of The Visually Impaired: Wirral (Clare Mount Specialist Sports College)
- Kingston upon Thames - Penhryn - QTVI - Specialist Support Professional - Visually Impaired
- SOUTHAMPTON - QTVI - Specialist Support Professional - Visually Impaired
- Exhall Grange: Teacher for Pupils with Visual Impairment - 0.6 Contract
- Aberystwyth QTVI Specialist Support Professional - Visually Impaired
- HULL - QTVI Specialist Support Professional - Visually Impaired
- Teacher of Children with a Vision Impairment 0.8 -Coventry Sensory Team
- QTVI - LEEDS - (Qualified Teacher for Visually Impaired)
- Specialist Teacher of Children and Young People with Vision Impairment - Stockport Council
- Maths Teacher
- Visual Impairment Teacher - London Borough of Sutton
- QTVI Liverpool
- QTVI – Lincoln
- Qualified Teacher of Vision Impairment (QTVI)/MSI - Ingfield Manor School (Billingshurst)
- Mobility Trainer - LEEDS
- Mobility Trainer – Southampton
- Qualified Teacher of Deaf (QToD) - Camden
- Qualified Teacher of Visual Impairment (QTVI) or Multi-Sensory Impairment (QTMSI): Camden
- Teacher of Children and Young People with a Vision Impairment
- Vacancies - QTVIs
- Sunnyside Academy: Vision Resource Base Leader
- Lead Teacher for Children with Vision Impairment - London Borough of Merton
- Mobility Trainer – DURHAM
- Mobility Trainer – Brighton, Portsmouth
- QTVI – Wolverhampton / Birmingham
- Access to Learning and Work Lead
- Qualified Teacher of Children and Young People with Vision Impairment - BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL
- QTVI sessional teaching placement supervisors: University of Birmingham MQ course (MQVI)
- Qualified Teacher of the Vision Impaired - Cambridgeshire County council
- Mobility Trainer - NEWCASTLE
- Qualified Teacher of Visual Impairment - Southwark, London
- Habilitation Specialist RSBC - Hybrid but regular attendance at the London Office and within London
- Book: Children with Vision Impairment: Assessment, Development, and Management
- Grade 4 Habilitation Specialist Vision Impairment - Birmingham Education Habilitation Service
- Lead Teacher for Children with Vision Impairment (QTVI) 0.8 FTE - Merton
- London Borough of Hounslow - QTVI or MSI for September 2024
- QTVI sessional teaching placement supervisors: University of Birmingham MQ course (MQVI)
- In Focus College: Head of the VI Team / QTVI (Exeter)
- Head of Habilitation – Term Time Only
- QTVI - Qualified Teacher Visually Impaired - Bristol
- SEND Specialist Teacher QTVI - Calderdale Council
- Habilitation Officer - North Yorkshire Council
- Qualified Teacher for Visual Impairment: Westmorland & Furness Council (Kendal, Barrow-in-Furness)
- Lead Teacher for Children with Vision Impairment (QTVI) 0.8 FTE (Merton)
- Lead Specialist Teacher for Children with Vision Impairment for Essex.
- Learning Mentor (full time) for Y7 student with VI - St Paul’s Girls’ School (Hammersmith)
- Learning Mentor (part time) for Y10 student with VI - St Paul’s Girls’ School (Hammersmith)
- SENCo - NCW (New College Worcester)
- QTVI: Isle of Wight (closing date 22/3/2024)
- Advisory Teacher for Vision Impairment - Ealing
- YORK - QTVI - Specialist Support Professional - Visually Impaired
- Habilitation Specialist - Portsmouth
- Qualified Teacher of Children and Young People with vision Impairment - London Borough of Hounslow
Event Tags
Event Categories
- Conference
- National exhibition/show
- Networking event
- Online Training
- Open day
- Short course - face to face
- Webinar